Together, we can protect and preserve the ocean for future generations.

Earthrise by William Anders' | 1968


Together, we can protect and preserve the ocean for future generations.

Throughout history, Warrior Societies have fought for the futures of their peoples. Today, the Ocean Warrior Society is fighting for the future of all life on Planet Ocean by protecting ecosystems, prosecuting wildlife poachers and traffickers, and preserving the ocean’s rich biodiversity and life-sustaining capacity for all generations to come.

The Ocean

The ocean is the source of all life on Earth, and, in addition to generating up to 80% of our oxygen, it accounts for 98% of our planet’s habitable space and contains 94% of its wildlife – from tiny zooplankton to the largest animal ever, the blue whale. The ocean’s global circulation system plays a key role in distributing heat energy, regulating weather and climate, and cycling vital nutrients and gasses.

The Threats

Record year-over-year warming, acidification, coral bleaching, number and total area of dead zones, and annual and accumulated plastic pollution, represent unprecedented threats to the ocean. Combined with persistent, ecosystem-threatening levels of overfishing and illegal fishing, including 500 billion+ ocean animals poached each year, the threats to Planet Ocean are existential.

About OWS

We are a new, anti-poaching, direct-action, ocean conservation organization fighting for the future of all life on Planet Ocean. OWS will be the Tip of the Trident℠ in a soon-to-be Global War on Poaching, and we will take a three-pronged approach in pursuit of our objectives:

- Anti-Poaching Direct Action/Intervention/Enforcement.

- Wildlife Trafficking Investigation and Prosecution.

- Hard-Hitting/Impactful Media Production.

Why We Fight

No matter where we live on this planet, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, are all dependent upon a healthy ocean, and a healthy ocean requires healthy populations of its diminishing wildlife. The ocean is the life support system for our planet, and the threats to it are unprecedented, increasing, and existential. We have no choice but to fight!

What We’re Fighting For

The ocean is the source of all life on our planet, and it continues to sustain all life on our planet. Therefore, when we protect the ocean, we protect ourselves.


Beautiful and Abundant Biodiversity

The ocean accounts for 98% of our planet’s habitable space and contains 94% of its wildlife – from tiny zooplankton to the largest animal ever, the blue whale, and millions of species in between!


Interconnected Ecosystems and Interdependent Species

Ocean ecosystems like mangrove swamps, coral reefs, kelp forests, the deep sea, the icy waters of our polar regions, and many others, are all home to a broad array of plant and animal species whose very existence is dependent on one another. Together, these interconnected ecosystems and interdependent species create a planet-wide web of life whose health is critically important to us all.


Our Life-Support System

No matter where we live on this planet, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, are all dependent upon a healthy ocean, and a healthy ocean requires healthy populations of its diminishing wildlife. And it’s not just for us, the ocean is the life-support system for all life on this planet!


The Ocean and YOU!

In addition to generating two-thirds of the oxygen we breathe, the ocean absorbs massive amounts of the excess heat and carbon dioxide we are creating, regulates our weather and climate, and circulates nutrients and gases. The ocean directly affects our lives each and every day, all 8 billion of us. Therefore, we must protect and preserve the ocean because its future will determine the future of us all.

War on Ocean Wildlife!

Transnational Criminal Networks, corrupt Government Agencies/Officials, and morally bankrupt Commercial Fishing Companies are waging a poaching and trafficking war on ocean wildlife. In response, the Ocean Warrior Society is launching the largest ocean conservation initiative ever and declaring a Global War on Poaching!

"Ending the Ocean Emergency
is a race we must win!"

-United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres

The Tip of the Trident

We will pursue our Global War on Poaching via three primary areas of activity:

Anti-Poaching Direct Action

Wildlife Trafficking Prosecution

Hard-Hitting Media

Join the Fight!

At sea or on land, we have many opportunities for you to join the fight for the future of all life on Planet Ocean. Check out these unique Volunteer Programs:


A special, three-month educational experience
on the frontlines of ocean conservation for current
and prospective college students.


A unique opportunity for Navy and Coast Guard Veterans and retired Law Enforcement Officers to apply their valuable training, knowledge, and experience while serving an increasingly important and noble cause.


Bringing First Nation/Indigenous culture,
knowledge, and wisdom from around the world to
the Fight for the future of all life on Planet Ocean!

Join The Fight!

Planet Ocean needs you, and we need you to help us protect and preserve the ocean for future generations. If we are to make a difference, if we are to have the necessary, positive impact, we need the active involvement of thousands of people around the world, not just as supporters but as engaged volunteers. And, whether on land or at sea, volunteering with the Ocean Warrior Society is a great way to make a positive difference for Planet Ocean. ONE OCEAN, ONE FIGHT!℠

Support The Fight!

In the middle of the Ocean Decade (2021 – 30), we find ourselves in an “Ocean Emergency.” Yet, this most important of causes – addressing the unprecedented threats to our life support system, currently receives less than one-half of 1% of all charitable giving. If we are to protect and preserve the ocean for future generations, we have to radically raise awareness of the importance of the issue. To do that, we have to radically raise the funding levels for ocean conservation. The Ocean Warrior Society will lead this fight, but we will need your support to do so.

The Ocean Warrior Society is fighting for the future of all life on Planet Ocean.